ExtenZe is a revolutionary male sexual enhancement supplement that can increase both pleasure and performance. It is taken once daily as a dietary supplement.
ExtenZe is a revolutionary male sexual enhancement supplement that can increase both pleasure and performance. It is taken once daily as a dietary supplement.
ExtenZe is a remarkable blood flow stimulator that makes the most of your natural potential. The penis is made up of three erectile chambers. When aroused, blood flow increases into these chambers, and the outflow of blood is decreased, producing an erection.
Other ingredients include dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, film coating (dextrin), titanium dioxide, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, Brilliant Blue FCF, aluminum lake, Macrogol/PEG 8000, dextrose monohydrate, lecithin, maltodextrin, Macrogol/PEG 400, magnesium stearate, and silica.
Take one tablet each day. It typically takes eight weeks to achieve maximum results. To best maintain those results make ExtenZe a part of your daily supplement routine.
A unique herbal blend of Extenze is the key to this great natural supplement. Every herbal component was carefully chosen for its ability to make erections stiffer, stronger and long-lasting by increasing the blood flow to the penis.
There is absolutely nothing narcotic or synthetic - just a natural and herbal formula that is 100% safe and can bring the potential of erections to the maximum, including the penis size and endurance.
The thing is that when you use ExtenZe, the amount of blood that rushes to the penis erectile chambers increases. And as a result, increased volume stands for harder and longer erections.
Store Extenze at room temperature between 68-77 degrees F (20-25 degrees C) away from light and moisture. Do not store the drugs in the bathroom. Keep all drugs away from reach of children and pets.